Jobs & employment blogs

Jobs & employment blogs

Your career is a journey with many opportunities to explore. As a trusted partner, we guide thousands of professionals and employers through every step of their way. From industry specific insights, interview preparation, to team management and in-demand jobs – we’ve got you covered.



  Fancy earning a six-figure sum for a weekend’s work, future-proofing your skills and boosting your employability all at the same time? If so, you should seriously consider attending a hackathon. The rise of the hackathon   Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t have to be a “hacker” to participate in a hackathon. These events are nothing to do with that dubious practice....


  Customer satisfaction has always been important for businesses. But in a world of social media and online reviews, it’s more vital than ever before for organisations to make each interaction positive. For the latest issue of the Hays Journal, we spoke to global experts to discuss how this can be embedded in the culture of a business. Top down encouragement   It may sound...


How can leaders keep a strong company culture alive in a hybrid working world? For expert insights and advice on building and nurturing company culture in the new era of work, watch our live event featuring our Group Head of People and Culture, Sandra Henke and Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, Chair of the Board of Trustees at CIPD.     Related Blogs HOW TO IMPROVE THE...


  None of us asked for the iPhone. Just 20 years ago, we were all happy using our mobile phones simply to make calls and send text messages, blissfully unaware of their untapped potential. Fast forward to the present day, and the smartphone is now integral to the functioning of our day-to-day lives. Apple did what all long-standing, successful businesses should do: they anticipated...


    The life sciences industry is growing, and it’s not just because of the pandemic. As I explained in my last blog, we are still trying to conquer diseases for patients with unmet medical needs like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Crohn’s disease and rheumatology that affect millions of people every day. Cancer, Haematology and Neurology dominate in the arena of new...


  “So, how did it go?” This was probably one of the first questions your recruiter, friends and family asked you after your recent job interview. Hopefully your answer was that it went well, and if it was, their next question may well have been: “Would you take the role if you were offered it?” Well, would you? No doubt you’ll be feeling drained, with plenty of thoughts, feelings and...


  Since early 2020, we’ve all experienced or witnessed considerable change in the world of work, leading many careers to take unexpected twists and turns. In some instances, this has made it harder for professionals to feel as though they can effectively plan their careers in a way that they might have done pre-pandemic. So, today, we’re joined by Eliza Kirkby, Regional Director...


  At this time of year, many are naturally contemplating some kind of change in their professional lives. For some, this will spell leaving their current role. If you’d like a new job to be on the horizon for you, I would advise refreshing your CV in the following ways: 1. Retailor your CV   In all likelihood, your CV hasn’t been updated in years, and is probably...


    Pandemic has driven demand for digital and technology talent globally in 2020.  Here’s how businesses can stand out in a competitive market. Demand for technology talent has evolved rapidly since the start of the pandemic. At first, there was a hugely increased demand for candidates that could enable remote working – people with cloud-based skills that could deploy...


  We all strive to deliver the best possible experience and service to each of our customer groups. Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing as a method in increasing the efficiency of providing that experience, but in doing so it also requires data to inform machine learning. How do we demonstrate the value of AI, so that people are comfortable to share richer data? What are the...



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