Jobs & employment blogs

Jobs & employment blogs

Your career is a journey with many opportunities to explore. As a trusted partner, we guide thousands of professionals and employers through every step of their way. From industry specific insights, interview preparation, to team management and in-demand jobs – we’ve got you covered.



  “So, what are your salary expectations?” You know you are going to get asked this at some point during your job search – it’s a key piece of information for both the recruiter and hiring manager. And yet for many, being asked this question is still enough to make you shift about uncomfortably in your seat.   You’re not alone – many candidates find discussing their salary...


Most organisations have a group of senior high potentials – the people who appear in the exec level succession plan and are considered ready (or nearly ready) to move into top roles. They’re a really important group with huge amounts of intellectual, social and cultural capital within the business. The challenge? This group needs to be retained, kept highly engaged and performing – but they...


  As the world of work continues to evolve, many professionals are reflecting on what they truly want from their careers, striving to find a sense of meaning and purpose in their everyday working lives. So today, we’re joined by Shannon Houde, Founder and Managing Director of Walk of Life Coaching, Certified Executive Coach and Author of the book Good Work, which...


  It can feel like something straight out of a nightmare. You’ve prepared extensively for your job interview, got into the right frame of mind, and walked into the room feeling confident. But suddenly, to your horror, your mind has gone completely blank when asked a question. What causes our minds to suddenly go blank?   We’re all human, we’ve all experienced this to some degree...


  Have you ever noticed how many of the metaphors of talent are linked to water? We’ve had talent pools, talent pipelines, talent flow, talent leakage, talent waves… and I’d like to now add another, the talent puddle. I was recently having a conversation with an HR Director in a global tech business. She was bemoaning the limited supply of talent in her business, saying that...


  With so much uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring, it is understandable that many people may be feeling anxious about their job security. However, there is also every reason to be hopeful and optimistic. The pandemic is revealing a world of new opportunity and a new era of work. It will be different, but that doesn’t mean it will be worse. Of course, feeling anxious at this...


  The pandemic has upended our working world, impacting labour markets and the expectations professionals have around work – therefore, in order to attract the best talent, the style and tone of your organisation’s job adverts may need to change. For example, to reach relevant job seekers and rank well on search engines, job adverts must include keywords – such as key industry...


When preparing for an all-important job interview, you might think that the most important thing to equip yourself with is what you’re going to say when answering specific types of interview questions. Something that you may not appreciate, though, is that the interviewer won’t necessarily only be paying attention to what you say – they’ll also be actively looking at how you...


  It’s safe to say that the pandemic has thrown talent planning in the air. With increased uncertainty, it is tempting for organisations to focus all efforts on the immediate talent challenges – how to manage remote working and how to create as much job security as possible. These are all important, but we also need to be keeping an eye on the future. We need to be exploring the...


  It’s probably happened to you at least once before… during your job search you’ve spotted the perfect job advertisement that you’d love to apply for, only to realise you don’t quite match all the stated job requirements. Perhaps you feel you don’t have the specific experience the job description states is needed, or you lack a particular technical skill that is listed. The...



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