Jobs & employment blogs

Jobs & employment blogs

Your career is a journey with many opportunities to explore. As a trusted partner, we guide thousands of professionals and employers through every step of their way. From industry specific insights, interview preparation, to team management and in-demand jobs – we’ve got you covered.



The festive season is upon us and most of us are looking forward to a well-earned break to rest and catch up with friends and family – even if some of us are having to do that virtually. There is a tendency to see this period as “downtime”, and so it should be; you have worked hard for it all year after all. And what a year it has been.


Most jobseekers understand the importance of showcasing quantifiable evidence of their skills and competencies on their CV. Stating the percentage increase in new sales, clients or website visitors that you were personally responsible for, for example, serves to demonstrate to a potential new employer your expertise and the value you could bring to their organisation. Such outcomes are easy to...


You are going to have job interviews. Maybe that won’t be for a while, maybe you are preparing for one right now. Your next interview might be for an external job, about a promotion, with a recruiter or in a new country. Whenever and however that interview happens, it’s unlikely that you are looking forward to it.


If you’re actively looking for a new job, it’s more than likely that you will have applied for multiple opportunities, and therefore may well be interviewing with multiple different employers.


Networking: a word that drives fear into the heart of many introverts! That’s often because many still have a stereotypical view of what networking means. Such as working a room and making a strong charismatic first impression in a time limited situation. This is a very narrow and outdated view of networking in our current world.


Did you intend to start looking for a new job shortly before the COVID-19 outbreak, and are now wondering whether or not you should resume that search? Or perhaps you’ve been forced to seek a new role due to a change in circumstances, directly caused by the coronavirus disruption?


We were delighted to interview Monica Parker, Founder of HATCH Analytics for our recently released report, Uncovering the DNA of the Future Workplace report. We featured a snippet of Monica’s Q&A in the report with the full Q&A available below. Our report looks at the four core elements we believe will shape workplaces of the future: flexibility, technology, upskilling and purpose.


Expanding into a new country is a huge milestone for any organisation. It is also one of the most challenging. From finding the right people to forming a balanced team, there are many different factors to consider.


As the world of work slowly recuperates from the fallout of COVID-19, it has never been more important to find the right hire. Many organisations are now trusting specialist recruitment agencies to ensure they search far and wide to find just the right fit at a time when resources are precious, and responsibilities are many. But after doing everything right – be it selecting the right agency...


The lockdown period has been a learning curve for both businesses and professionals. We have had to learn how to use new technologies and how to remain productive when outside of the office, all whilst consciously supporting one another’s mental health and wellbeing. Everybody’s experience of lockdown has been unique to them, with many facing daily challenges that have had the potential to...



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As your lifelong career partner, we are here to help you navigate an evolving world of work – and move forward in your career. Discover all our latest tips, advice and guides. 

Lead in the new era box

As the world of work evolves, we are here to support you through both the current challenges and your longer-term planning. Discover all our latest insights.