Jobs & employment blogs

Jobs & employment blogs

Your career is a journey with many opportunities to explore. As a trusted partner, we guide thousands of professionals and employers through every step of their way. From industry specific insights, interview preparation, to team management and in-demand jobs – we’ve got you covered.



  A good employee value proposition, or EVP, helps an organisation draw the attention of top talent. It is a clear and consistent message about the experience of working at your organisation and highlights the unique experience you offer that attracts, engages and retains top talent. In short, it helps you understand and share what successful employees like best about working for you....


  Are you considering a new job? If so, what are you hoping a new role with a different employer will offer you? A more attractive salary and benefits package? Improved career progression? Challenging and exciting work? Better work-life balance? These are all obvious and reasonable criteria of course – but have you considered the importance of working for an employer who places...


  Project confidence at all times, even when you don’t feel it, and you will be amazed at the positivity that you create around you.   Are you currently preparing for an interview, pitch or a big client meeting? Confidence will be a deciding factor in how well it goes. I have interviewed many candidates over the years with impressive CVs but who, at interview, showed a lack of...


  So, you’ve been invited to interview for your dream job, and you’re starting your all-important preparation. As part of that preparation, you’ve thought about the most likely things you could be asked, such as “why do you want to work here?” or “what first attracted you to this role?” and you have diligently prepared your answers. But, are you prepared to answer those trickier...


  When it comes to identifying and hitting corporate sustainability targets, organisations have more avenues to explore than ever before. Business leaders are increasingly accepting their responsibility in tackling the climate crisis, and it is their duty to ensure that the people they work with play their part. Harnessing the power, knowledge and passion of the workforce is crucial...


  The COVID-19 crisis has brought about overnight change and disruption to the world of work. Of course, some of these changes were bubbling away in the background in the pre-crisis world, but these have now been accelerated – alongside a multitude of completely new changes. Employers, therefore, are increasingly looking for professionals who have the soft skills required to succeed in...


  Have you ever wanted an opportunity so much, that during your interview answers, you ended up listing every single reason why you were the most suitable candidate for the job, shoehorning in points which weren’t even relevant to the question? This is common trap that many candidates fall into, especially when they are feeling particularly nervous. During my years in recruitment, I...


  The world of work and the businesses operating within it are changing faster than ever before. This means new departments are forming and thus new roles within those departments are being created all the time. But what this means for you is that it’s becoming more and more likely that your next position could be one that has never before existed. Hays Worldwide - Viewpoint Audio...


  Whether you’re new to the world of work or an experienced leader, everyone is susceptible to thoughts that they are undeserving of the position and plaudits that they have worked hard to earn. Over time, these thoughts can impact heavily on not just your mindset, but your career and life as a whole. Today I’m delighted to be joined by Rita Clifton CBE, an expert on branding and...


  For a wide variety of reasons, workers are increasingly taking time out from their career. ‘Returnship’ programmes can help organisations effectively and efficiently bring them back. In the latest Hays Journal, we explore what you need to consider before putting such programmes in place. There’s no let-up in the war for talent and skills. Availability of key skills, in particular,...



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