Jobs & employment blogs
Entries with tag employers .

Updated: 4th August 2020 If you were to ask your employees to work for free, the chances are that most of them would decline the invitation. But apart from telling us what we already know – namely that money is important for putting food on the table – it doesn’t tell us how big a motivating factor it really is once our basic needs are met. There have been many...

How has the pandemic impacted your employer brand? Your employer brand can be described as the “face your company shows its employees.” So, the first step in ensuring you make it stronger is to assess and understand how the pandemic may have shifted how that face is perceived by your current and future employees. After all, over the past few months, your employer brand has...

Generation Z is largely defined as those born between 1996 and 2012. Given that the people born towards the start of this generation are now in their twenties, many are beginning their entry into the workplace. But the pandemic has monumentally impacted the start of their careers. Many have missed out on their first job opportunity, or had their final years of education...

Organisations in the life sciences sector faced quickly evolving recruitment needs throughout the pandemic. But how have these differed around the world, and how can organisations ensure they stand out to candidates in this market?

The challenges of the pandemic have forced many businesses to adopt an innovative mindset in order to adapt to new demands in record time. And while many of us look forward to the world returning to what will be the new normal, this way of thinking is something that many organisations will want to hold on to.

The COVID-era cohort of school and university leavers are facing unique challenges entering the world of work. What role can employers play in helping the next generation take the first steps of their career journey?

At the end of 2019, environmental, social and governance (ESG) momentum around the world was strong – especially with regard to improving the sustainability of many organisations. But then came COVID-19, forcing many businesses into survival mode. As the world recovers, how can businesses ensure that being greener moves back up the agenda?

Many organisations have made good progress in improving the diversity of their workforce in recent years. But could understanding and embracing intersectionality help them improve the experience of all employees?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our personal and professional lives to such an extent that many of our daily routines were transformed overnight (or have been transformed over the past 12 months). Many of our habits, our routines and our rituals have changed for good.

Back in January 2019, I wrote about the rising popularity of human resource technology (HR tech). A lot has happened in the last 12 months. Fast forward to now, and COVID-19 has made the collaboration between HR and technology even more significant, helping us tackle a range of issues associated with remote and hybrid working, mental health emergencies, and changing employee expectations and...
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