Jobs & employment blogs

Jobs & employment blogs

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Entries with tag employers .

You don’t need to be a large organisation to benefit from engaging a Managed Service Programme (MSP) provider to ensure you are gaining maximum value and efficiency from the flexible component of your workforce. Shane Little offers his insights on what to look for in your MSP partnership. There’s a common misconception that you need to be a ‘big business’ in order to engage an MSP...


A Managed Service Provider comes with a lot of benefits, but plenty of challenges. Read on to find out what we’ve learned over the years as a global MSP provider. Implementing a managed service provider: key insights Managed service provider (MSP) programmes provide companies and hiring managers with a central tool to simplify their recruitment process. In a single system, users can...


The contemporary HR technology ecosystem is a hybrid of systems and software that supports the streamlining of talent acquisition and management, including payroll, employee communications and time/attendance monitoring. Less than a decade ago, these ecosystems would have consisted of distinctly HR-focused technologies, such as Applicant Tracking and Vendor Management Systems...


It’s been a lot of fun watching ChatGPT answer our questions and write full bodies of text in a matter of seconds. So far at work I’ve seen the AI chatbot produce code for programmers and generate ideas for headlines, while people out there are enjoying themselves by using it to pen song lyrics and short stories.  However, its fame, success and efficiency have returned us to the...


The world is going through a major shift, with people increasingly seeking purpose and meaning in their work. One trend that has emerged in recent years is the rise of the "tech for good" sector, which has attracted a diverse range of people, from seasoned professionals to recent graduates, who are passionate about using their skills to create positive change.  I recently spoke to...


The journey to Net Zero will require sustained action to drive green growth. For organisations to achieve this, their workforce will need the right tools. The transition to a green economy – that focuses on social equity and reducing damage to the environment – has been accelerating in recent years stimulated by the drive to reach Net Zero by 2050. Innovation and technology offer...


To be at our best in terms of performance, life satisfaction, and ultimately our psychological health and wellbeing – we need to experience both a sense of purpose and pleasure. We feel a sense of purpose inside and outside of work, when we’re engaged in a task or activity that has real meaning for us, which fits with our values and identity, and is contributing to one of our bigger picture...


We’ve all had it, that awful sinking feeling you get when you’ve just realised you’ve made a mistake. Unfortunately, there is no avoiding it, we are all human, and mistakes are an inevitable part of our daily working lives. What really matters is how we take ownership for these mistakes, how we present a viable solution for them, and then bounce back. So, if you’ve recently made a mistake...


When it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, it’s important that organisations are able to offer their employees more than just a competitive salary. Of course, remuneration is a significant factor in a candidate’s decision making, but it is no longer the sole (or, in some cases, even main) driver. Whether it be through their purpose or by ensuring that employees have the...


    As leaders continually adapt to the ever-changing world of work, emotional intelligence has become an increasingly important trait to possess to effectively build trust and confidence with their teams. So today, we’re joined by Shannon Houde, Founder and Managing Director of Walk of Life Coaching, Certified Executive Coach, and Author of the book, Good Work....



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