Jobs & employment blogs
Entries with tag employers .

The pandemic has brought both change and uncertainty to the world of work. As a result, many professionals are feeling unsure about their career paths and how best to take the next steps in their professional journeys. So today we’re joined by Sarah Ellis, Co-founder of the professional training and consultancy business, Amazing If. Sarah is here to provide her expert...

If you’re currently in fulltime employment, the change and uncertainty that has come hand-in-hand with the pandemic may have understandably left you with a feeling that you need to somehow prove yourself, or, position your role as ‘indispensable’. After all, this is a highly pressurised time and will inevitably lead many to worry about the future. Failing to manage this situation in the...

As you juggle your workload, perhaps with the added stress of having to create a hybrid working pattern by working from both home and the office, do you find yourself wishing: “If only I had two more hours each day”? Creating a balance between the hours spent at different work environments and doing things just for yourself can seem impossible, while the very act of trying to...

What are the traditional definitions of leadership? Or, rather, what are the skills and characteristics associated with successful leaders? Of course, these may vary depending on the role, but many people would discuss a leader’s ability to be decisive, dictate strategy and motivate those around them. Regardless of which is deemed to be most important, one thing we can be certain of...

The life sciences industry has, unsurprisingly, grown exponentially during 2020 because of the impact that pandemic has had on the sector. The demand for IT skills has also increased within life sciences to support the industry to keep innovating, tracking and pursuing a vaccine to the pandemic, as well as other diseases and conditions. These IT skills have been crucial in the...

Most leaders will be familiar with giving presentations to their peers, team members, customers and clients. However, presenting to the C-suite brings its own unique challenges and can be a daunting prospect. Today I’ll be chatting with keynote speaker and presentation skills coach Jay Surti, author of The Presentation Book For Senior Managers: An Essential Step by...

As leaders continue to navigate the changes of the pandemic, factors such as extended periods of remote working and a lack of face-to-face collaboration can have a damaging impact on employee productivity. So today we’re joined by Tim Ringo, award-winning HR consultant and author of the book Solving the Productivity Puzzle. Tim is here to share how leaders can...

Recorded: Thursday 22nd October 2020 Due to the pandemic, professionals across the world have had to adapt quickly to a new way of working, including working remotely or as part of a hybrid team. As a result, it can be difficult to maintain visibility, leaving many unsure about how they can really shine and progress in this new world of work. So in this podcast, we’re joined by...

Alongside the many challenges that we are facing as a result of the pandemic, we are hearing of some amazing innovations and collaborations, as people join together with a common aim. We have seen examples of F1 competitors sharing their expertise so they can design and manufacture medical ventilators in record time. We have seen businesses openly sharing details...

Fancy earning a six-figure sum for a weekend’s work, future-proofing your skills and boosting your employability all at the same time? If so, you should seriously consider attending a hackathon. The rise of the hackathon Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t have to be a “hacker” to participate in a hackathon. These events are nothing to do with that dubious practice....
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