Jobs & employment blogs
Entries with tag jobseekers .

Nothing quite beats that feeling when you walk out of an interview room. The thorough preparation, interview nerves, and the fact that you’ve had to talk yourself up for the best part of an hour, can really take it out of a person – so it can be quite a relief when it’s over. That is until you start to wonder how the interview actually went. This limbo period...

Regardless of the stage in your career at which you find yourself, it’s useful to consider your goals and the steps you will need to take in order to reach them. Whether you are navigating change or juggling external commitments, a career map will always prove a helpful tool. Today I’m joined by Kathryn Bishop CBE, an associate fellow at Said Business School at the University of Oxford. She...

It’s a new year and many of us are feeling a lot more settled than we were 12 months ago in the world of work. As was the case in 2020, last year’s events meant we had to constantly revise the plans and ambitions we had set out in January. In Britain, the Cambridge Dictionary has announced that ‘perseverance’ is its Word of the Year for 2021. Defined as ‘continued effort to do or...

As leaders continue to drive their organisations through a great deal of uncertainty and constant change, many of their team members may be experiencing a dip in self-confidence. So, today we’re joined by self-confidence coach, Jo Emerson, who’s here to share her expert advice to help leaders build self-confidence in their teams. Hays Worldwide - Leadership Insights...

When a friend of mine told me she was changing jobs recently I congratulated her and asked what she was going to do. “I’m going to work at (insert name of technological mega-brand here),” she answered enthusiastically. I was polite enough not to remind her that she wasn’t answering the question I’d asked, but that seemed irrelevant to her in any case. Her new job title could have...

Strategically managing your career involves knowing when and how to say no. If you are good at your job and have reached a certain point in your career, you will soon get noticed and naturally new projects will fall on your desk. However, in order to build on your success you have to accept that you can’t do everything and you can’t please everyone. It’s about making a...

Whether you are an experienced developer or a self-taught programmer, if you’re looking for a new job, you’ll almost certainly be faced with a technical interview. Some may find these interviews daunting and so preparation is key to your success. To help you prepare for your technical interview, today we’re speaking with James Milligan, Director at UK and Ireland and EMEA –...

Kathy Chen, VP of Partner Sales for Asia Pacific and Japan for Citrix on how she got into Tech, her journey and challenges being a woman leader, and why diversity is crucial for tech companies. This is an excerpt from episode 8 of the Hays Technology podcast, How Did You Get That Job? Listen to the full podcast. When you think tech, the first image to pop into...

I may be a little biased, but any successful person, whether they work in recruitment or not, will tell you that having a good, long term relationship with a recruiter can enhance your career success. Your recruiter is the person who can support you with your job search; identifying suitable roles, approaching companies on your behalf, and providing you with expert advice when...

On the face of it, answering the common interview question, “So, tell me about yourself” seems easy enough. After all, you just have to talk about your background, and this is a topic you know better than anyone else. What could possibly go wrong? Well, to be frank, a lot can go wrong. Many perceive this to be one of the easiest interview questions to answer, however providing a...
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