Despite being relatively new, the role of Chief Information Officer is fast establishing itself as a key part of the executive suite. 

The role faces an extremely fast-changing environment amid the speed of technology advancements, which leaves many aspiring CIOs wondering which direction they should take in their career.  

Our report is designed to give aspiring CIOs insight into what it takes to achieve a leading role in IT in Asia. We spoke to 307 IT leaders across Asia through in-depth one-on-one interviews, to uncover what makes a successful CIO. We also conducted additional in-depth interviews with top CIOs, whose unique insights are shared throughout our report.

The report explores the career path to becoming a CIO, the need to build a solid technical foundation and the importance of keeping up-to-date with IT and other technological developments.

We then build on this important aspect and look at other business skills an aspiring CIO needs to develop in order to connect the dots between the technology and other facets of business. Finally, we look at the industry challenges and the need to develop a great network.

If you are considering your career options and want to become a CIO, our report will give you an insight into what it takes. And if you are already a CIO, or well on your way to becoming one, we hope you find what your peer group have to say about success to be interesting and engaging.

Interviews with CIOs

View interviews below from IT leaders across multiple sectors - discover their words of advice, common obstacles and more, helping you map your career path. 

Andrew Anker Eddie Xu Jason Strimpel Jean-Baptiste Faivre

Former Head of Infrastructure Services and CISO, AIA, Hong Kong

CIO, Shell China Ltd.

CIO, APAC, COFCO Agri Holdings Pte. Ltd. Singapore CIO Japan, Societe Generale, Corporate & Investment Banking
Jimmy Yeoh Johan Affendi Mohamed Hafeel Paul Riddle
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer DHL Express Asia Pacific, Singapor

Business CIO – Corporate Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

Vice President & CIO, Japan Regional Services, Asurion, Japan

Head of IT, Japan, Deutsche Bank


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Decoding what it takes to become a CIO in Asia


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